Wild Rose Elixir

Wild Rose Elixir


The Wild Rose Elixir is a delicious dive into the medicine of Rose. It helps to invite softness into your being, helping us to let go of hardened emotions like grief and anger. This medicine opens our hearts to the beauty and pleasure in the world. One drop and you will feel any heaviness you carry lifted from your chest.

If you are struggling with deep grief or sadness, Rose is an excellent ally for calming the nervous system and for softening the spirits during stressful and difficult times. It can also really help to open your heart and let the love back in. If you are feeling disconnected and having a hard time seeing the beauty in yourself, your loved ones, or the world around you, Rose helps to shift our perspectives and bring the promise of hope back into your heart. It is also extremely helpful if anger and resentment are also present, as it cools the fires of the body and relaxes the nervous system.

This elixir is made with 100% respectfully wildcrafted roses. I make very small batches and therefore, take care to never harvest too many wild petals. I often leave the calyx, which is the part of the flower that turns into the fruit or the rose hips, only taking a few petals per flower. This way the bees still have a few petals to land and pollinate the flowers and the flowers have the chance to become fruits to feed the birds all winter. I then do a dual extraction by macerating the roses into Brandy and simultaneously infusing the roses into local unpasteurized honey. This is a labour of love folks.

Ingredients: Wild harvested Nootka Rose (Rosa nutkana), Brandy, Unpasteurized local honey infused with Nootka Rose

How to use: This elixir can be taken in drop doses (1-30 drops) or macro doses (1-3 droppers full 3x/day) as needed. It is a safe medicine. It can also be used to bring a little sweetness and sensuality to your favourite cocktails or desserts.

This information is for educational purposed and is not meant to replace professional medical advise. It is advised to consult a health care professional for proper medical care.

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