Spirit Weaver Smoke

Spirit Weaver Smoke



10g reusable metal tin

This is a blend of herbs that have been known to be used across different cultures as smoking agents. The herbs in this blend invite us to take a moment to pause and ground ourselves to the earth. And from this place we can then explore the wonders of what lies beyond the physical realms. It is a calming yet euphoric and uplifting blend. These herbs have been traditionally used to reduced anxiety, depression, and to connect us more deeply with our subconscious through the portal of the dreamtime.

Ingredients: Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris), Damiana (Turnerra diffusa), Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora), Lavander (Lavandula angustifolia), Rose (Rosa ssp.), unpasteurized organic honey.

Suggested use: This can be smoked on its own or mixed with other smokeable agents. It can also e burnt for ritual and cleansing purposes.

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